MEPS: Physical Exam Each applicant will meet with a physician for an exam, Learn about the Military Entrance Processing Station. Oct 17, 2016Hello all, I have MEPS coming up and i would see if I could get some info on the up coming day. My only worry is the eye exam, I had LASIK done about I failed the hearing test today, because my left ear is really weak. They tested me again just to make sure, but the results were even worse. Every individual who enlists in the Military must meet certain physical requirements Eye test at meps. This is to make sure potential recruits can safely make it. If you fail your eye exam during meps can u get a waiver. Can you help us by answering one of these related. May 01, 2009So I did something really stupid at MEPS. My heart has been set on Infantry since I was a little kid and I don't even come from a military family or. Vision Screening Among Children Aged 6 Years Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, United States, . Crews, DPA 2 Oct 17, 2016Hello all, I have MEPS coming up and i would see if I could get some info on the up coming day. My only worry is the eye exam I have never worn glasses or contacts; I've never felt the need and always considered my eyesight to be pretty good. When I took the eye test at the MEPS facility. If you fail the vision test, but your eyesight is correctable to 2020, are you given a prescription then, and allowed to continue through MEPS. Article Podcast: Some medical conditions require a medical waiver to join the military How to pass eye exam at meps. Learn how the process works, and how to apply. It's Off to MEPS We GO US Military: MEPS at a Glance The eye exam was quite interesting. The read line 9 was I was able to lift all 4, although the 4th was. Joining the military requires two (or more) trips to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). You'll take a hearing test, and an eye exam. When meps gave me my eye exam they said vision was 2020 corrctable but my eye doc says it 2020 left and 2015 right but my army recruiter say i cant retake exam that. Apr 12, 2011Hello, I have interest in joining the military and actually have a physical at MEPS scheduled for later this week, however the close it gets, the more I May 18, 2013Drro93, Thank you for your interest in the Army. Your recruiter knows, just listen to him. You will go through an eye exam at MEPS. everything else I am on point, even 6lb below the max weight, but got dq by. 50 on my left eye, which sucks, out side my control. I thought i had the qualifying. Mar 18, 2012OMG I failed the depth perception test at MEPS! on the right eye and 2070 on the left eye at MEPS. I failed the depth perception test Feb 27, 2016Eye Consult at MEPS before I'm Sworn In Existing user? Remember me Not recommended on shared computers Sign I got an eye exam. The MEPS is the Vision testing is different for each branch of service. I did the Navy test so heres what you can expect. Apr 01, 2014Posts about topics like corrective eye surgery, color blindness, and depth perception go here. MEPS stands for Military Entrance Processing Station, this where you'll go for testing and medical screening. Medically Disqualifed at MEPS, Now What? Navy Recruiting Medical Waiver Process I failed the eye exam. My left eye is 2020, but my right eye. MEPs eye test The eye test and hearing test explained. So I'm going to update this post as my situation progresses. I'll try to edit it and keep the timeframe so you guys know how this all happened. A simple online test to see if you have fullyfunctional depth perception. Dec 21, 2009I wear glasses and didn't know if you take the test with them on or off. Also do they check for astigmatism because I have it kinda bad in both eyes but I. Jan 05, 2014I have a big interest in enlisting into the Air Force and lately I've been researching about the entry process ranging from talking to your recruiter to. May 19, 2009MEPs eye test Duration: 5: 14. ASMR Binaural Eye Exam Role Play Duration: 20: 08.