Biology and behavior of killer whales. Download Adobe PDF copy A review of killer whale interactions with other marine mammals: predation to coexistence. ) was first known as the whale killer or killer of whales because they. were observed to kill and eat whales. The term whale was previously used as a common name for the. larger marine mammals in the order Cetacea, which includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. KILLER WHALES (Orcinus orca) BibliographyDiscover animal, environmental, and zoological career facts as you explore indepth topic coverage via SeaWorld, Busch. REVIEW Distribution, feeding habits and morphology of killer whales Orcinus orca in the Caribbean Sea Jaime BOLAOSJIMNEZ Asociacin Civil Sea Vida, A. The Center for Whale Research is dedicated to the study and conservation of the Southern Resident Killer Whale population in the pacific northwest. Blue whale Killer whales or orcas are the largest dolphin species. Learn about killer whale behavior and life history and other fascinating killer whale facts. Three forms of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Antarctic waters Robert L. Pitman and Paul Ensor Contact email: ABSTRACT e r Orca facts Orcas are the largest members of the dolphin family. or killer whale Captive Killer Whales (Orcas). the status report on the Killer Whale Orcinus orca Catalogue No. CW EPDF Killer Whales, or Orcas Orcinus orca. Sperm whale 1 Killer Controversy Why orcas should no longer be kept in captivity Introduction Since 1964, when a killer whale or orca (Orcinus orca) was first put on public. Also known as the killer whale, Wolves of the Sea by Guy Belleranti Whales of the Sea was written as a persuasive essay to convince Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) State Status: Endangered for Killer whales, or orcas, are an iconic member of Washingtons marine ecosystems. Three UWI The Online Guide to the Animals of Trinidad and Tobago Behaviour Orcinus orca (Killer Whale) Family: Delphinidae (Oceanic Dolphins and Killer Whales) Orcas, or killer whales, are a highly intelligent, social species that lives in pods and can cooperatively hunt for prey. Orcas, also known as killer whales, are are the largest member of the dolphin family. Threats to orcas include hunting and captivity. High PCB Concentrations in FreeRanging Pacic Killer Whales, Orcinus orca: Eects of Age, Sex and Dietary Preference P. Great white shark ORCA FACT SHEET STATUS: Vulnerable. DESCRIPTION: The orca, or killer whale, is the largest member of the dolphin family. Orcas have long, rounded bodies with. POPULATION TRENDS OF SOUTHERN RESIDENT KILLER WHALES (ORCINUS ORCA) birth rates might decline, special reference to studies of the killer whale. MYTH: Captive orca facilities do not capture killer whales in the wild. facilities have not captured wild orcas in recent decades, the Marine Mammal Orcas. Number of Southern Resident Killer Whales. Number of Southern Resident Killer Whales 75 80 85 90 95 whales Current status Baseline Target. Orcas Orcas, or Killer Whales, are fascinating because they are beautiful and mysterious, and also because some Orcas are fierce predators of. Killer Whale Range (click for larger view PDF) the population is estimated around 2, 500 killer whales. Information on killer whale stocks in the U. Added killer whale response plan to the Northwest Area Contingency Plan for oil spill response. Requested public input on potential vessel regulations. 2015 Killer Whale Research and Conservation Program Grant Slate ABOUT NFWF The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) protects and restores our nations fish. 1 Killer Controversy Why orcas should no longer be kept in captivity Introduction Since 1964, when a killer whale or orca (Orcinus orca) was first put on public. is a completely different killer whale in fact, several. Killer whales are also called orcas. Many of us who have seen this animal relentlessly battering their Sep 26, 2014Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. How can the answer be improved. The killer whale or orca (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is the largest member. Orcas, or killer whales, are the largest member. They are a top predator in all. known for their strong family ties and often live together. Continued on back Orca or Killer Whale Orcinus orca Meaning of scientific name: a kind of whale. Of or belonging to the realms of the dead Description