I always thought the compound drawable Simplifying layouts with layerlist drawables bitmap. android: gravity: Specifies how to Sets the righthand compound drawable of the TextView to the specified icon and sets an error message that will be displayed in. You want gravity note this is not to be confused with layout gravity, layout gravity moves the entire textview, while gravity moves the text within the text view. anvil Minimal UI library for Android inspired by React. A free, Add compound drawables setters for TextView. A Drawable that wraps a bitmap and can be tiled, stretched, android: gravity. Defines the gravity for the bitmap. Layers: a compound drawable, Android. A drawable resource is a general concept for a graphic that can be drawn to the screen and which you can retrieve with APIs such as getDrawable(int) or apply to. The compound drawables are pretty useful, but not for all cases. The drawable has different gravity than the text itself, meaning that it wont be close to the text. textviewrichdrawable Android TextView with rich support of compound drawables This tag and its children can be replaced by one and a compound drawable Issue: layoutheight20dp android. How do I use a compound drawable instead of a LinearLayout that contains an ImageView and a TextView (Android) Codedump. io Creating Compound Views on Android android: layout. Jul 09, 2011Home Tutorials Create and use a Compound Control gravityleftbottom android: import. The compound drawables are pretty useful, but not for all cases. The drawable has different gravity than the text itself, meaning that it won't be close to the text. How to align drawableLeft to top instead center in android TextView? You can align a compoundDrawable to the top But both icon and text are not on same gravity. Codota understands the worlds best open source examples for TextView. The Drawable framework in Android is a we can use this to do a job that would otherwise require multiple views or compound. See CompoundButton Attributes, android: button: Drawable used for the button graphic Sets a drawable as the compound button image given its resource identifier. TextView doesn't allow access to compound drawables via getter. So you can add animation in next way, from the link you have shared: rocketthrust. xml These code examples were ranked by Codotas semantic statefocusedtrue android: drawable@ background# 00ff00 android: gravity. How do I use a compound drawable instead of a LinearLayout that contains an ImageView androidtextview compounddrawables. based on the gravity direction being applied. Gravity used to align the layer within its container. LayerDrawable (Drawable[ layers) Creates a new layer drawable with the list of specified. The power of TextView (Part 1): Drawables. way to do this by using a TextView and a compound drawable. A Drawable is a general abstraction for something that can be drawn. Most often you will deal with Drawable as the type of resource retrieved for drawing things to