Sep 02, 2001MY NAME IS RED. Time's deletions, like a computer's, are not. At once a fiendishly devious mystery, a beguiling love story, and a brilliant symposium on the power of art, My Name Is Red is a transporting tale set amid the. Hywel Williams acclaims Orhan Pamuk's My Name is Red, a sublime and timely parable of east and west By Orhan Pamuk Ebook My Name is Red online Orhan Pamuk is one of Turkey's premier novelists and My Name Is Red, when published in the original Turkish in. My Name Is Red (Turkish: Benim Adm Krmz) is a 1998 Turkish novel by writer Orhan Pamuk translated into English by Erda Gknar in 2001. At once a fiendishly devious mystery, a beguiling love story, and a brilliant symposium on the power of art, My Name Is Red is a transporting tale set amid the. In My Name is Red (1998), Orhan Pamuk skillfully weaves a tale of love, art, mystery, and murder through multiple narrative voices of characters in the novel. The White Castle Upon first glance, to be quite honest, the novel My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk first appeared to be about a topic that had little significance to the art world. Orhan Pamuk was born in Istanbul in 1952 and grew up in a large family similar to those which he describes in his novels Cevdet Bey and His Sons and The. The world of sixteenthcentury Turkish illuminators is the unlikely backdrop for Orhan Pamuk's sparkling novel, My Name Is Red. Buy My Name Is Red Main by Orhan Pamuk, Erdag Goknar (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Danny Yee reviews Orhan Pamuk's novel of murder and art in late 16th century Istanbul. My Name is Red has 34, 363 ratings and 3, 134 reviews. Darcy said: Generally, when a book starts out with a chapter entitled I Am A Corpse, you know it's Ferit Orhan Pamuk (generally known simply as Orhan Pamuk; My Name Is Red has been translated into 24 languages and in 2003 won the International Dublin Literary. Find great deals for My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk (2001, Hardcover). The Paperback of the My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk at Barnes Noble. Snow Orhan Pamuk, is the author of many celebrated books, including The White Castle, Istanbul and Snow. In 2003 he won the International IMPAC Award for My Name is Red. Click to read more about My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers My Name Is Red [Orhan Pamuk, Erdag Gknar on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. At once a fiendishly devious mystery, a beguiling love story, and a. A review, and links to other information about and reviews of My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk. Dec 06, 2017Listen to this title in full and for free: Content: Unabridged Release date: Duration: 20 hrs 26 mins Contact me: info19 At once a fiendishly devious mystery, a beguiling love story, and a brilliant symposium on the power of art, My Name Is Red is a transporting tale set amid the. MY NAME IS RED My Name Is Red about which Orhan Pamuk says its my most colorful and optimistic novel, covers nine snowy days of Istanbul in 1591. My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk, trans. by Erda Gknar has an overall rating of Positive based on 9 book reviews. Find great deals on eBay for orhan pamuk my name is red. At once a fiendishly devious mystery, a beguiling love story, and a brilliant symposium on the power of art, My Name Is Red is a transporting. My Name Is Red Kindle edition by Orhan Pamuk, Erdag Goknar. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk is an historical novel translated from Turkish by Erda M. Gknar and set in late 16th century Istanbul. The Black Book My Name Is Red eBook: Orhan Pamuk, Erdag M Goknar: My Name is Red is also a stunning meditation on love, artistic devotion and the tensions between East and West.